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Lesson Planning Guide

Lesson Planning is where you can assign categories of Mastery Lessons or Simulations to learners in specific cohorts.

Login to the Portal

Retrieve Lesson Plan

  1. Lesson Planning is accessible by clicking Lesson Plan on left menu.
  2. Navigate to needed cohort using drop down menu.
  3. If a Lesson Plan exist for that cohort, it will be displayed.
  4. If a Lesson Plan does not exist, empty Lesson Plan will be displayed.


Sections consist of concepts and learning goals that are taught over a period and are woven together. Allows you to organize your Lesson Plan according to your preferences.

Create New Section

  1. Click Add Section Button.
  2. Give the new Section a title.

Add Categories of Mastery Lessons and Simulations to Lesson Plan

  1. Drag from Mastery Lessons List and drop into appropriate section.

Remove Categories of Mastery Lessons and Simulations from Lesson Plan

  1. Drag from Lesson Planning and drop anywhere on webpage.

Delete Section

  1. Click the Delete button.

Save Lesson Plan

  1. Click Save Lesson Plan.
Button will only be active when there are changes to the current Lesson Plan.